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Managing Partner at Beekman Advisors Joins BPC’s Terwilliger Center Advisory Committee

Washington, DC – The Bipartisan Policy Center is pleased to announce that Shekar Narasimhan, the managing partner at Beekman Advisors, has joined the Advisory Committee of BPC’s J. Ronald Terwilliger Center for Housing Policy. Narasimhan previously served as managing director of Prudential Mortgage Capital Company and chairman and CEO of the WMF Group.

The Advisory Committee is led by housing philanthropist Ron Terwilliger and includes the following housing policy experts and political leaders who help guide the center’s work:

  • Ed Brady, President and CEO, Home Builders Institute
  • Scott Brown, Former U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand and the Independent State of Samoa; Former U.S. Senator
  • Henry Cisneros, Chair, BPC Board; Former HUD Secretary and Mayor of San Antonio
  • Carlos Curbelo, Former U.S. Representative; Co-Founder, Vocero
  • Shaun Donovan, CEO and President, Enterprise Community Partners; Former HUD Secretary and OMB Director
  • Renee Lewis Glover, Founder and Managing Member, The Catalyst Group, LLC; Former CEO, Atlanta Housing Authority
  • Terri Ludwig, President, Ballmer Group Philanthropy
  • Jeb Mason, Partner, Mindset; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
  • Pamela Hughes Patenaude, Member, BPC Board; Former HUD Deputy Secretary
  • Egbert L. J. Perry, Chairman and CEO, The Integral Group, LLC; Former Chair, Fannie Mae Board of Directors
  • Erika Poethig, Executive Vice President for Strategy and Planning, Civic Committee, Commercial Club of Chicago; Former Special Assistant to the President for Housing and Urban Policy
  • Steve Stivers, President and CEO, Ohio Chamber of Commerce; Former U.S. Representative

“Shekar is one of our nation’s leading experts on affordable housing finance,” said Ron Terwilliger. “His experience and background will be enormously helpful as the center works to advance ways to make rental housing more affordable and homeownership more attainable for the millions of families struggling with high housing costs.”

In addition to his role at Beekman Advisors, Narasimhan currently serves as chairman of Papillon Capital and sits on the boards of Broadstone Net Lease, Enterprise Community Partners, Democracy Alliance, and the Sorenson Institute for Political Leadership. He is also a member of the Council of Advisors for the Center for American Progress and the Urban Institute’s Policy Leadership Council.  Previously, Narasimhan served as chairman and commissioner for the Virginia Housing Development Authority and as a member of the Board for Housing and Community Development in Virginia.

“I am thrilled to be joining the highly respected individuals on the Terwilliger Center’s Advisory Committee, a group dedicated to expanding affordable housing opportunities and with such an action-oriented focus,” said Shekar Narasimhan. “I particularly look forward to working with the center team on strengthening the connection between access to affordable rental housing and the opportunity to become a first-time homeowner.”

The J. Ronald Terwilliger Center for Housing Policy is committed to advancing public policies that support broad access to affordable housing. Achieving this goal requires comprehensive, sustained action at all levels of government to address the severe shortage of affordable homes for both rent and sale, while ensuring that America’s lowest-income families can obtain the housing assistance they need.

At the heart of today’s housing affordability crisis is the acute shortage of affordable rental homes and entry-level homeownership options. One of the Advisory Committee’s first actions this year was to encourage Congress to make addressing our nation’s housing affordability crisis a top legislative priority.

Read more about the center’s comprehensive legislative package that incorporates proposals from both Democrats and Republicans.

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