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Building Bipartisan Support for Child Care Toolkit: 2023 Update

The child care and early learning landscape is complex. It involves a number of funding streams and programs at the national, state, and local level and across public and private sectors. It also includes an array of partners—child care workers, the business community, faith leaders, economic development bodies, financial institutions, and the health and education sectors—who either contribute to or benefit from child care, or both. It is imperative that these stakeholders participate in conversations on child care and early learning—whether they are directly or indirectly impacted.

To guide these conversations, the Bipartisan Policy Center compiled the Building Bipartisan Support for Child Care Toolkit: 2023 Update. This toolkit can help partners across the nation—in states and localities with a range of political leanings—understand the child care landscape, establish new relationships, and build bipartisan solutions for child care’s most pressing challenges.

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