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Congressionally Directed Spending FY2022 Dataset

After a more than 10-year moratorium on earmarks, the 117th Congress restored the practice of congressionally directed spending via the Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations process. This represents BPC’s initial analysis of the earmarks included in H.R. 2471, the FY 2022 spending bill.

Data presented here was collected from the House Appropriations Committee’s list of Final Funded Projects for fiscal year 2022. While the Appropriations Committee posted all data in category-specific PDFs, BPC used Camelot—a Python library—to extract the data into a machine-readable format. The code used to extract and clean the data, as well as additional notes on methodology, can be found in this GitHub repository.

There may be minor variations between the Appropriations’ data and what BPC presents here, as a result of the nature of data extraction performed. BPC will continue to analyze and clean the data on an ongoing basis.

Download the full dataset here.


Data was updated on April 5, 2022 to include bioguide IDs for members of Congress. BPC also filled in the “State” column for select earmarks that were lacking state information upon original release.

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